About Me
My name is Darren Brecht and I am an alumni of Nelson Mandela University with an Honors degree in Fine Arts, specializing in Printmaking (Graduate of 2020)
Art and storytelling are my two greatest passions, so working on storyboarding and animation feels like a dream come true for me. Watching Dragon Ball Z growing up, working in the animation industry has always been my goal and it would be an absolute honour bringing these drawings and stories to life.
I work as an art teacher while also working on a variety of personal projects ranging from illustrations to comic books and storyboarding.
April 2018 - NMU Collaboration Week: Identity, Nelson Mandela University, Port
Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
April 2019 - NMU Collaboration Week featuring Sethembile Msezane, Bird Street
Art Gallery, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
10 September 2019 - Same Size Same Price Exhibition, Art on Target, Port
Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
8 November 2019 - GRAD EX, Bird Street Art Gallery, Port Elizabeth, Eastern
Cape, South Africa
19 December 2019 – PLACIAL RECOGNITION, Fox & Finch, Port Elizabeth,
Eastern Cape, South Africa
28 June 2021 - FROM WITHIN THE CHRYSALIS, GFI Art Gallery, Port
Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
6 August 2021 - MAKO SOROITY 2021, mako_vice, Digital, Instagram
November 2016 – Portrait of Dr Peter Manser, Alexander Road High School,
Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
December 2019 – Bitter and The Lecher, Private Collection, Port Elizabeth,
Eastern Cape, South Africa
August 2020 – Line Drawing I, Private Collection, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape,
South Africa
May 2021 - Colour Study of a photograph by ChenMan, Private Collection,
Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa